The '+' register of Vim is useful


Vim is a powerful editor as far as we know even as to be somewhat kind of standard for programmers. However, there is one problem usually confuses noobs: copying codes from Vim interface to another interface in the system is hard as vim have different inner clipboard being different from the system clipboard.

Basic info of Vim register

There are lots of register of Vim which stores code copied or clipped to be pasted somewhere. The usage of registers is easy.

  • " Register is the default register. To use it, just add the prefix "" or nothing. For instance, if you hope to put the code in the line where your cursor at into the "register, push : in normal mode or visual mode, and input ""yy, then the code in that line is yanked in the "register.
  • + Register is the most useful register as it corresponds to the system clipboard. The usage of it, adding the prefix "+ before your instructions, is the same as " register. For example: in order to copy the code in the line your cursor at, type :"+yy in normal mode.