Reveal.js - write online ppt with Markdown

Markdown is a great language for writing which we could just focus on the content and not the typeset from using it onward. Markdown is a good alternative for word for those who don't have too much demand for the typeset of documents.

Then, why don't we write .PPT file with Markdown? Someone said. Then, reveal.js debuted.

Why Reveal.js?

Reveal.js support Markdown syntax, so the document is easy to read and write, all features of Markdown, such as small size, easy to write mathematical formulas are also featured by reveal.js. The reveal.js must be suitable for those Markdown fans, maybe including you.

How to use Reveal.js?

Reveal.js is easy to use. Just install the VS Code and then install the Markdown Preview Enhanced. Then, just follow the grammar and everything go well!