How to use github as a picture bed


Have you ever used github? If you don't know, you can just understand it as a website which is very popular among programmers.

Despite the main function which programmers used to cowork with the other programmers, you can also use github as a picture bed. If you are living in some nations which you can't visit github fluently, this method may not be suitable for you.

If you are a blogger, you must be skilled enough to use Markdown to express your opinion, however you must know that how hard it is to find a fitting picture bed.Some one who is geek will try to build the picture bed with their own VPS. However, there are many weakness that they can't avoid.

  1. The VPS is usually a large cost.
  2. The storage limit of a VPS is usually small if you hope to write you blog for a long time.

Then, it is a good idea to use Github as a picture bed.

Follow the next steps to make your own picture bed freely

1. Download VSCode

Vscode offcial link:

Then, download a important extension of VSCode named PicGo.


Visit Github Next, sign up, if you already have an account, just sign in. Then, just make a new repository which you will use as your own picture bed.

Then, make your own access tokens. Remember: the tokens is very important, don't tell other people if you don't trust in him/her.


Then, open the VSCode, input these informations in your settings.

Then, if you want to paste a picture from your clipboard, type CtrlAltU If you want to paste a picture from a file in your computer, type CtrlAltE

That's all, thank you!φ(゜▽゜*)♪