Funny CLI apps in Linux

Using CLI commands in virtual terminals of Linux may seem boring for you, so there are some applications which is interesting are available for you.

1. sl -- showing trains in your terminal

To install this app, just type sudo apt install sl in Ubuntu, or sudo pacman -S sl in arch Linux.

Whenever sl is typed, a train will be shown in the terminal.

2. nyancat -- showing nyancat happily

Type sudo apt install nyancat in Ubuntu or sudo pacman -S nyancat in arch Linux.

Whenever nyancat is typed, a cute cat with bread as its body and rainbow as its tail will be showed.

3. cowsay -- showing a cow saying anything as you want

Cowsay is a pretty awesome application which could show a cow saying anything as you want.

4. bb -- showing random chars while playing crazy music

bb is awesome and while using it, random chars will be shown on screen while strange music is playing, you can either choose not to play music in order not to disturb others.

5. cmatrix -- being like a hacker in movie "Matrix"

cmatrix is a CLI app that shows lots of randoms characters from top to the bottom, just like Matrix.

To install cmatrix, type sudo apt install cmatrix in Ubuntu or sudo pacman -S cmatrix in Arch Linux.