Fermat Algorithm - A great way to cheak whether or not a int num is a prime num


I presuppose that you know what prime num is.


How to judge whether or not a int num is a prime num?


Solution one

This solution is easy to thought out. Just traversing from to , if any num being traversed if divisible by , then it's a composite num.

def is prime(n):  # the input num n is the num we want to judge
 if n == 1: return False  # special judge, if the num is one, then it's not a prime num
 for i in range(2, n):  # try every int num in [2, n-1] 
  if not n%i: return False  # i < n, so if n%i == 0, then n must be a composite num.
 return True  # if there are no num which is between 1 and n-1 is divisible by n, then n is a prime num

If you are a more skilled programmer or you are sensitive to numbers, you may thought out that we can just traversing int num from 2 to for that any composite num could be divided into num pairs like a and b which c==a*b and if a was bigger that , b must be smaller than .

def is prime 1(n):  # same to the code above
 if n == 1: return False
 for i in range(2, int(n**0.5)+1):  # try every int num in [2, int(sqrt(i))]
  if not n%i: return False
 return True

Solution two

According to Fermat's little theorem:

if a num is a prime num, then

So, we can try some random num in 1, p-1, if with the random num a, , then must not be a prime num. However, if , then it's still possible that p is not a prime num, so we must check it for serveral times.

def fermat(n):
 if n==2: return True  # same to the code above.
 if n&1==1 or n==1: return False  # Special judge, if n is a even num and n is not 2 or n is 1, it's not a prime num. 

 for i in range(15):
  a = random.randint(2, n-1)  # randomly choice a num from 2 to n-1
  if pow(a, n-1, n) != 1: return False  # if the (n-1)th power of a mod n is not equal to 1, n must be a composite num.
 return True  # else n is very likely to be a prime num

Which is better?

if you have a high demand for the accuracy, then you'd better choose the Solution one. else if the num is quite large, you'd better choose the Solution two.