An Introduction to Markdown

What is Markdown?

  • Markdown is a computer language
  • Easy to type, easy to copy, easy to read
  • Simplified HTML

Why Markdown?

  • While you are using MS Word, you may put too much attention on the typesetting and the fonts, but not on the text you want to show.
  • When you want to type mathematical formulas, you have to do a lot of complex things. What's more, the mathematical formulas can't be copied to the other platforms.

How to use Markdown?

  • When you want to show that something is important just like this, you can use **word**, this is really easy, isn't it?
  • When you want to make your word Italic, you can use *word*.

Type list

Typing list is also easy. Whether you had learned HTML, you could easily accept the concepts of ol(ordered list) and ul(unordered list). Ordered list is just like this:

  1. First // Type 1. First
  2. Second // Type 2. Second
  3. Third // Type 3. Third

Unordered list if just list like this:

  • First // Type * First
  • Second // Type * Second
  • Third // Type * Third

Type Mathematical formulas

  • When you want to type , just type $a^b$
  • when you want to type , just type $a_b$
  • when you want to type , just type $\frac{a}{b}$